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Photo of Moscow

Capital cities

Capital cities of countries around the world.

Photo of Reykjavik, Iceland
Reykjavik is the capital of Iceland. It is the northernmost capital city in the world. The population of Reykjavik is around 202,000.
Photo of Riga, Latvia

Ris forRiga

Riga is the capital of Latvia. It has a population of around 1 million.

Ris forRiyadh

Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia. It has a population of around 6.8 million.

Ris forRome

Rome is the capital of Italy. It has a population of around 2.7 million people.
Photo or Roseau, Dominica

Ris forRoseau

Roseau is the capital of Dominica. It has a population of around 15,000.
San José is the capital of Costa Rica. It has a population of around 1.7 million.

Sis forSana'a

Sana'a is the capital of Yemen. It has a population of around 2.1 million.

Sis forSantiago

Santiago is the capital of Chile. It has a population of around 7.2 million.
Photo of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic. It has a population of around 3.7 million.
Photo of Seoul, South Korea

Sis forSeoul

Seoul is the capital of South Korea. It has a population of around 10.5 million.