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Photo of an Indian flag

Countries in Asia

List of countries in Asia

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Photo of the Qatar flag

Qis forQatar

Qatar is a state in the middle east. The capital of Qatar is Doha. People in Qatar speak Arabic.

Ris forRussia

Russia is a country in the northern part of the world. The capital of Russia is Moscow. People in Russia speak Russian. By area, Russia is the largest country in the world.
Saudi Arabia is the largest country in western Asia. The capital of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh. People in Saudi Arabia speak Arabic.
Singapore is both the name of a country and the capital city of that country. Singapore is a city state with a population of around 5 million. People in Singapore speak Malay, Chinese and Tamil.
The Republic of Korea occupies part of the Korean Peninsula near China. The capital of the Republic of Korea is Seoul. People in the Republic of Korea speak Korean.
Sri Lanka is an island country off the coast of India. The capital of Sri Lanka is Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte. People in Sri Lanka speak Tamil or Sinhala.

Sis forSyria

Syria is a country in western Asia. The capital of Syria is Damascus. People in Syria speak Arabic.
Photo of the Taiwanese flag

Tis forTaiwan

Taiwan is an island country off the coat of China. In its past, it has been a part of both China and Japan. The capital of Taiwan is Taipei. People in Taiwan speak Mandarin.
Photo of Thai flags

Tis forThailand

Thailand, formerly known as Siam, is a country in south-east Asia. The capital of Thailand is Bangkok. People in Thailand speak Thai.
The flag of Tibet.

Tis forTibet

Tibet is a country located in Asia. The capital of Tibet is Lhasa. People in Tibet speak Tibetan.