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Photo of money

List of financial terms

Financial words.All sorts of words that relate to money and finances.

Photo of a price tag

Cis forCost

The cost of something is the price you are willing to pay for it.
Photo of a credit card.
A credit card is something you can use to buy things if you do not have any money of your own. You then pay the money back in instalments, or all at once if you want. If you take a long time to pay it back, you get charged extra money in the form of interest.
Photo of a customer.

Cis forCustomer

A customer is someone who buys some kind of product or service from a business. Customers are the people you see in shops buying clothes.

Dis forDebt

A debt is an obligation to return something, usually money, that you have borrowed from someone else. Debts are usually repaid with interest, which means that you pay back more than you have borrowed.
Photo of a dime

Dis forDime

A dime is a coin from America or Canada, equivalent to one tenth of a dollar, or ten cents.
Photo of a dollar bill

Dis forDollar

A dollar is a unit of money, equal to one hundred cents.
Photo of a woman with money

Eis forEarn

You earn something when it is given to you in exchange for your work. Most people earn money by working in their regular jobs. You can also earn someone's respect, or earn a medal because of your actions.
Insurance is something that you pay or put aside, usually to an insurance company, so that if something bad happens you are reimbursed for an agreed amount. For example, you might have an insurance policy on your car, so that if it is damaged beyond repair the insurance company gives you a new one.
Photo of money

Mis forMoney

Money is something you can carry around with you and exchange for goods and services. You can use money to buy food, or a car, or a house. Money that you can carry around with you can be either notes or coins. Notes and coins have the amount they are worth and the country they are useable in written on them.
Photo of a house and money

Mis forMortgage

A mortgage is a debt that you repay to a financial institution such as a bank when you buy a house, if you do not have enough money to pay for it yourself. Mortgages are typically paid back over many years. Mortgages are secured by your house, which means the bank has an interest in the house and you cannot sell it and keep the money yourself, you have to pay the bank back first.