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Photo of a poinsettia

Words that rhyme with -ier

List of words that end with a "ier " sound

Photo of the Slovak flag

Sis forSlovakia

Slovakia is a country in central Europe. The capital of Slovakia is Bratislava. People in Slovakia speak Slovak.
Photo of the Slovenia flag

Sis forSlovenia

The Republic of Slovenia is a country in south central Europe. The capital of Slovenia is Ljubljana. People in Slovenia speak Slovene.

Sis forSofia

Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. It has a population of around 1.5 million.
The Republic of Korea occupies part of the Korean Peninsula near China. The capital of the Republic of Korea is Seoul. People in the Republic of Korea speak Korean.
Photo of a staffordshire bull terrier
The Staffordshire bull terrier, or staffy, is a medium sized, stocky dog originally bred for bull baiting. They are friendly, courageous, stubborn and friendly. They are good with children and make good family pets. Staffordshire bull terriers are often confused with bull terriers, which is a more aggressive and difficult breed.

Sis forSyria

Syria is a country in western Asia. The capital of Syria is Damascus. People in Syria speak Arabic.

Tis forTanzania

Tanzania is a country in east Africa. The capital of Tanzania is Dodoma. People in Tanzania speak Swahili.

Tis forTerrier

Terriers are small dogs, generally bred to hunt rodents.
Photo of the Tunisian flag

Tis forTunisia

Tunisia is the northernmost country in Africa. The capital of Tunisia is Tunis. People in Tunisia speak Arabic.
Photo of Victoria, Seychelles
Victoria is the capital of Seychelles. It has a population of around 25,000. Victoria is also a state in Australia.