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Photo of oranges

List of citrus fruit

The most common kinds of citrus fruit.

Photo of grapefruit halves
Scientific name: citrus × paradisi
Grapefruits are a member of the citrus family, like oranges and lemons, and grows on a similar tree. Grapefruit are large and yellow, but are not as sweet as oranges and have very thick skin, or rind. They come in two main colors, plain yellow with yellow flesh, and 'ruby', with reddish-pink flesh and darker skin. Grapefruits are usually squeezed for juice or cut in half and eaten for breakfast. The grapefruit in the picture are cut up ready for a lot of people to eat them for breakfast.
Photo of lemons

Lis forLemon

Scientific name: citrus limon
The lemon is the fruit of the lemon tree. Lemon trees are thorny and can grow to 10 metres high. Lemons are yellow and very sour because they contain a lot of citric acid. When you make lemonade from lemon juice you need to add a lot of sugar or it will not taste good. You can make marmalade from lemons.
Photo of limes

Lis forLime

Scientific name: citrus latifolia
Limes are a citrus fruit like oranges and lemons. They are most similar to lemons but are smaller, sourer and greener. Like lemons, limes are not good to eat on their own and are used to flavor drinks and foods. A lot of Asian cooking uses limes as flavoring.
Photo of mandarin fruit

Mis forMandarin

Scientific name: citrus reticulata
A mandarin is a small citrus fruit related to the orange. The skin on a mandarin is very easy to remove, and the inside of the fruit is very easy to break up into segments. Because of this, they are not very messy to eat and are excellent to take to school in a lunchbox.
Photo of orange fruit

Ois forOrange

Scientific name: citrus sinensis
An orange is the name for both a colour and a citrus fruit. Oranges are similar to lemons but are very sweet and can be eaten raw, squeezed to make juice, and can be made into marmalade. The colour orange can be made by mixing red and yellow paint.
Photo of tangerines
Scientific name: citrus tangerina
Tangerines are a very sweet citrus fruit closely related to the mandarin. They are easy to peel and break into segments.