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Photo of a flock of sheep.

List of collective nouns

Did you ever need to know what a group of geese was called? Well, here are some of the more commonly used collective nouns, with a few of the interesting ones thrown in for good measure.

Photo of a group of otters.

Ris forRomp

A group of otters is called a romp.
Photo of a group of baboons
A group of baboons is called a rumpus.

Sis forScurry

A group of squirrels is called a scurry or a squad.

Sis forSedge

A group of cranes is called a sedge.
Photo of rice sheafs

Sis forSheaf

A sheaf is a bundle of a freshly harvested cereal crop like rice or wheat. When harvesting was done by hand, the harvest was bundled up into sheafs that were just big enough for one person to carry.
Photo of a shoal of fish

Sis forShoal

A group of fish is called a shoal or a school.
Photo of a skein of geese

Sis forSkein

A skein is a name for a flock of geese or ducks when they are flying in a line or V.
Photo of a group of foxes

Sis forSkulk

A group of foxes is called a skulk.
Photo of a group of bears
A group of bears is called a sloth.
Photo of a group of warthogs

Sis forSounder

A group of warthogs is called a sounder.