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Photo of a moth.

Insects that can fly

List of commonly found flying insects.

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Photo of a housefly
Scientific name: order: diptera
A fly is a very common insect that can fly, as the name suggests. Flies lay their eggs in rotting food or dead animals in the wild, and in your house they lay their eggs in any of your food that they find. The eggs hatch into maggots.
Photo of a mosquito

Mis forMosquito

Scientific name: family: culicidae
A mosquito is a common insect that flies. Mosquitoes have a very sharp, hollow tongue that they use to stick through your skin and drink your blood. Some mosquitoes carry very dangerous diseases which can make you very sick. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, and the baby mosquitoes live in the water until they turn into the adults. It is a good idea to make sure you have no uncovered water in your backyard for mosquitoes to lay eggs in.
Photo of a white moth

Mis forMoth

Scientific name: order: lepidoptera
Moths are very similar to butterflies and have a similar lifecycle. They changes completely as they go through their life. A moth starts as an egg, which hatches into a caterpillar or grub. The caterpillar then spins a cocoon and turns into the adult moth. Caterpillars spend all of their time eating. Some moth caterpillars eat leaves, others eat leaf litter on the ground, and others will eat holes through the trunks of trees. Moths are generally not as brightly coloured as butterflies, and are more likely to be seen at night than during the day. Moths are attracted to light.
Photo of a white planthopper
Scientific name: infraorder: fulgoromorpha
Planthoppers are a group of insects that come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but most often green and leaf-shaped. They can hop short distances like a grasshopper, hence their name.