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Photo of a cat inside a box.

List of placements

Ways you can place things, relative to other things.

Photo of a sign that says end

Eis forEnd

The ends of something that is long and narrow are the shortest sides. The end of a journey is the place you are going to. The end of an event is when it finishes. The opposite of end is start or begin. A similar word to end is stop.
Something is horizontal if it goes at right angles to the direction a ball goes when it is dropped. The horizon is horizontal, as are the tops of tables and desks. The slats in the picture are horizontal.
Photo of a cat inside a box.

Iis forInside

The cat is inside the box. The opposite of inside is outside.
Something is inside-out if its inside is on the outside and its outside is on the inside. Quite often when you take your clothes off they end up inside-out. The rubber gloves in the picture are inside out.
Photo of a sheep in the middle of the road

Mis forMiddle

Middle is a less formal use of the word center, meaning a point that is equally distant from the edges of a shape. In common use, middle just means something that is roughly in the center of something else. In the picture, the sheep is in the middle of the road.

Ois forOutside

The little girl in the picture is outside in her backyard playing. The opposite of outside is inside.
Someone jumping over someone

Ois forOver

The man in the picture looks like he is jumping over the woman in the picture.
Photo of two overlapping leaves

Ois forOverlap

Two or more things are overlapping if one of them covers up some part of the other so you can't see the one behind. The two leaves in the picture are overlapping.

Tis forTop

The top of something is the highest point. The green block is at the top of the stack. The opposite of top is bottom.

Uis forUnder

Something is under something else if it is lower than it. This cat is under the chair. The opposite of under is over.