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Photo of a brick wall.

Words that rhyme with -ick

List of words that end with a "ick " sound

Photo of a letterbox with many instructions

Pis forPedantic

Someone is pedantic if they are overly concerned with the details of things, or getting things exactly perfect. The owner of this letterbox is pedantic.
Photo of two people having a picnic

Pis forPicnic

A picnic is a meal eaten outside, away from home. People usually have picnics in a park when the weather is nice. Usually you bring your meal packed in a picnic basket and eat it on the ground on a blanket.
Photo of a shop full of plastic items

Pis forPlastic

Plastics are a synthetic material that can be cast into virtually any shape. Plastics can range from hard to soft, can be flexible or firm, transparent or opaque. Plastics of various kinds are used in the making or packaging of virtually everything nowadays.
A girl using a pogo stick.
A pogo stick is a toy with two handles for your hands and two steps for your feet with a strong spring at the bottom which allows you to jump very high.

Pis forPrick

You prick something when you make a hole in it with something that has a sharp point. The person in the picture has pricked their finger with a caltrop.

Qis forQuick

Something happens quickly if it happens in a very short space of time, or after a very short delay. Quick might also be another word for fast. The opposite of quick is slow. The squirrel in the picture is running very quickly.
Photo of Reykjavik, Iceland
Reykjavik is the capital of Iceland. It is the northernmost capital city in the world. The population of Reykjavik is around 202,000.
Photo of a rustic house

Ris forRustic

Something is rustic if it seems rough, simple and hand-made. Rustic is a term often associated with country or rural living. The house in the picture is rustic. A similar word to rustic is quaint. The opposite of rustic might be sophisticated.
Photo of someone with a cold

Sis forSick

When you are sick, you don't feel very good. You can get sick by catching a disease like the flu, or from eating food that has gone bad, or even from having an allergic reaction to something like a dog or cat.

Sis forSlick

Slick means shiny, smooth, or slippery. Lots of men enjoy styling their hair so it looks slick.