A cylinder is a long, thin shape where the ends are circles. Any cross-section of a cylinder at right angles to its outer surface is also a circle.
Long cylinders are also known as tubes. Pipes are also cylinders. The cylinder you see the most often is, of course, the cardboard tube at the centre of a roll of toilet paper.
Florida, abbreviated to FL, is a state in the south east of the United States of America. The capital of Florida is Tallahassee. Florida is also called the Sunshine State.
Scientific name: families: pleuronectidae and bothidae
Flounder is a common name for a large number of related flat fish species that typically live on the bottom of the sea where they camouflage with the sea bed. They eat smaller fish, catching them by surprise as their prey simply cannot see them.
Gender describes a set of characteristics that make something masculine or feminine. They include your biological sex, the way you look, and the way you act. Someone may be born of male sex but strongly identify as female, so their gender is female. Such people are usually called transgender.
The woman in the photo is biologically female, looks feminine and is undertaking the traditionally female gender role of cleaning the bathroom.
A glider is a type of aircraft that doesn't have engines. Gliders are usually towed up into the air by another plane and can glide a very long way before they reach the ground.
Some gliders, called motor gliders have small engines for takeoff and to keep them in the air longer.
Grenada is an island country in the Caribbean sea. Its main industry is export of nutmeg. The capital of Grenada is St George's.
His forHang glider
A ladder is a kind of portable staircase. Some ladders fold up, others like the one in the picture are very long and you lean them against a wall.