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Photo of a door.

Words that rhyme with -ore

List of words that end with a "ore " sound

Photo of Nassau, Bahamas

Nis forNassau

Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas. It has a population of around 250,000.
Photo of Uppatasanti Pagoda in Naypyidaw
Naypyidaw is the capital of Burma(Myanmar). It was founded in 2005, and has a population of around 1 million.
Photo of some oars

Ois forOar

An oar, sometimes called a paddle, is a long, thin pole with a wide, flat part at one or both ends. It is used to make a small boat like a canoe move forward, and to help in steering it.
Photo of an offshore wind turbine

Ois forOffshore

Offshore means in the water some distance from the shore, the sandy area where land meets a body of water such as an ocean or a lake.
A omnivorous meal.

Ois forOmnivore

An omnivore is a person or animal that eats meat and vegetables.
Photo of a sign that says or

Ois forOr

Or is a word that is used to connect two other words or phrases that are alternatives, for example "do you want beef or chicken?"

Ois forOre

An ore is a kind of rock that can be processed to turn it into something valuable, like metal or an element like sulfur. Low grade ore doesn't contain much of what you want, whereas high grade ore contains a lot. Ore is usually dug up in large quantities in a mine.
Photo of a lion's paw

Pis forPaw

A paw is a kind of animal's foot. Generally animals like cats, dogs and ferrets that eat other animals have paws. Animals that get eaten usually have hooves not paws. The paw in the picture belongs to a lion.
Photo of a woman looking through a trash can

Pis forPoor

Someone is poor if they do not have much money. An area might be described as poor if it is run down and a lot of poor people live there. You also use poor to describe something you feel sorry for. For example, if you see a hurt bird you might say "oh, look at the poor bird".
Photo of skin pores

Pis forPore

Pores are tiny holes in your skin. Things like oil and sweat come out of your pores, to cool you down and keep your skin in good condition.