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Photo of someone knitting.

Words that rhyme with -it

List of words that end with a "it " sound

Photo of a split rock

Sis forSplit

You split something by hitting it so that it breaks lengthways along its grain. The rock in the picture has been split down the middle. Large blocks of wood are usually split with an axe to turn them into firewood.

Sis forSummit

A summit is the highest point of something, particularly a hill or mountain. A similar word to summit is peak or apex.
Photo of an unfit man

Uis forUnfit

Someone is unfit if they are in poor physical condition, and get tired very easily when they do physical activity. The man in the photo is very unfit. Unfit also means something that doesn't suit a purpose, for example a rotten fruit is unfit to eat.

Vis forVomit

When you vomit, some of the contents of your stomach comes out through your mouth. Vomit has a lot of acid in it and tastes very bad. Babies vomit a lot when they are young, but they generally grow out of it.