Madison is the capital of the state of Wisconsin in the United States of America. It has a population of about 570,000.
Mis forMontgomery
Montgomery is the capital of the state of Alabama in the United States of America. It has a population of around 375,000.
Mis forMontpelier
Montpelier is the capital of the state of Vermont in the United States of America. It has a population of around 8,000.
Nashville is the capital of the state of Tenessee in the United States of America. It has a population of around 1.6 million.
Ois forOklahoma City
Oklahoma City is the capital of the state of Oklahoma in the United States of America. It has a population of around 1.3 million.
Olympia is the capital of the state of Washington in the United States of America. It has a population of around 46,500.
Phoenix is the capital of Arizona in the United States of America. It has a population of 4.1 million.
Pierre is the capital of the state of South Dakota in the United States of America. The population of Pierre is around 13,500.
Pis forProvidence
Providence is the capital of the state of Rhode Island in the United States of America. It has a population of around 1.6 million.
Raleigh is the capital of the state of North Carolina in the United States of America. It has a population of around 1.7 million.