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Photo of a kitten

List of baby animals

Baby animals, in all forms of cuteness and fluffiness.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Photo of a gosling

Gis forGosling

A baby goose is called a gosling.
Photo of a baby kangaroo

Jis forJoey

A joey is a baby kangaroo.
Photo of a baby goat

Kis forKid

A baby goat is called a kid.
A fox kit.

Kis forKit

Kit is a word used to describe a baby fox, beaver, ferret or other mammal that is covered in fur.

Kis forKitten

A kitten is a baby cat.
Photo of a lamb

Lis forLamb

A lamb is a baby sheep.

Pis forPiglet

A piglet is a baby pig.

Pis forPup

Baby seals, dogs, wolves and babies of some kinds of rodent are called pups. When you are talking about pups of a domestic dog, you usually call them puppies.
Photo of puppies.

Pis forPuppy

A puppy, or pup, is a baby dog or wolf. Dogs are generally called puppies until they are a year old. When a mother dog has puppies, there are usually about six of them born at once.