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Photo of a bird

Words that rhyme with -erd

List of words that end with a "erd " sound

Photo of someone stirring a pot of soup

Sis forStirred

Stirred is the past tense of stir.
Photo of a little girl's third birthday

Tis forThird

Third comes after second, being the number three time something happens. You might come third place in a race, be third in line, or be like the little girl in the picture, having a third birthday party. See also thirds.
Photo of a circle in thirds

Tis forThirds

This stone has broken into thirds. This means it has been cut into three equal sized pieces. See also third.
Something is weathered if it has been damaged by long-term exposure to the weather.

Wis forWhirred

Whirred is the past tense of whir.

Wis forWord

A word is a single unit of language that can be spoken or written. Every word has its own meaning or definition. A series of words put together in the right order make up a sentence.