Sis forSnapdragon
Scientific name: antirrhinum majus
Snapdragons are an old-fashioned flower. The flower can be squeezed to make it open like a dragon's mouth, which is why they are called snapdragons.
They should be planted in well-drained soil in full sun. They can be planted at any time of year, and take about 8-10 weeks to flower. They come in a big range of colours, but shades of pink and white are most common.
St. John's is the capital city of Antigua and Barbuda. St. John's has a population of 81,799 people.
Scientific name: genus: cygnus
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Scientific name: artemisia dracunculus
Tarragon, or dragon's wort, is a soft, green plant used mainly in French cooking. Tarragon has an interesting flavour that is a little like anise.