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Photo of bananas.

Words that rhyme with -ner

List of words that end with a "ner " sound

Photo of the Chinese flag

Cis forChina

China is the country with the most people in it. The capital of China is Beijing. People in China speak Chinese.
Conditioner is something you put in your hair after you shampoo it to make your hair nice and soft and shiny.
Photo of a cat in a plastic container
A container is something you can put other things inside, to transport or store them.
Photo of frogs in a corner

Cis forCorner

Corners are where two or more surfaces or lines meet, usually at right angles. A square has four corners, a cube has six, and a circle has none. The frogs are hiding in the corner of their tank.
Photo of Princess Diana.

Dis forDiana

Diana was a Roman goddess of the moon, hunting, forests, and birth. The woman in the picture is Princess Diana.

Dis forDinner

Dinner is the meal you eat at the end of the day, usually at around 5 or 6 o'clock. Dinner can be anything, but is usually some kind of meat and some vegetables.
A dry cleaning business.
A dry cleaner is a business that dry cleans clothing. Dry cleaning is a method of cleaning clothing without using a washing machine or water.
Photo of an echidna

Eis forEchidna

An echidna, or spiney anteater, is a small, spiney animal found in Australia and New Guinea. They eat mostly ants and termites. Along with the platypus, echidnas are the only animals that lay eggs.

Eis forEyeliner

Eyeliner is a decoration for your eyes. You draw it on in a thin line around the edges of your eyes.
Photo of a wallaby

Fis forFauna

Fauna means animals, versus plants which are called flora. It is usually used when talking about animals in a particular area, for example "the native fauna of Australia".