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Photo of bananas.

Words that rhyme with -ner

List of words that end with a "ner " sound

Lis forLantana

Scientific name: lantana camara
Lantana, also called ham n eggs or bacon n eggs, is a pretty flowering plant from the tropical areas of America and Africa. It is grown for its flowers as a garden plant. In some parts of the world it has spread into the wild and is considered a pest. Lantana has flowers in lots of colours, mostly reds and oranges, but also comes in whites and blues.
Photo of a lipizzaner horse
Lipizzaners, or Lipizzans, are a breed of white horse that is today used and bred at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna as a performing horse. Lipizzaners are trained over many years to perform complicated moves.
Photo of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. It has a population of around 270,000.
Photo of Finch Lake, Louisiana
Louisiana, abbreviated to LA, is a state in the south of the United States of America. The capital of Louisiana is Baton Rouge and the largest city in Louisiana is New Orleans.

Mis forManor

Manor is another word for mansion, a very large house and its land.
Photo of the Mauritanian flag
Mauritania is a country in west Africa. The capital of Mauritania is Nouakchott. People in Mauritania speak Arabic. Not to be confused with Mauritius.
Photo of Grinnell Lake, Montana

Mis forMontana

Montana, abbreviated to MT, is a state in the north western United States of America. The capital of Montana is Helena and the largest city in Montana is Billings.
N'Djamena is the capital city of Chad. The population of N'Djamena is 1,092,066 people.
Photo of Cullasaja Gorge Falls, North Carolina
North Carolina, abbreviated to NC, is a state on the east coast of the United States of America. The capital of North Carolina is Raleigh and the largest city in North Carolina is Charlotte.
Photo of dog and owner

Ois forOwner

You are the owner of something if you possess it and it belongs to you. The man in the picture is the owner of the dog in the picture.