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Words that rhyme with -us

List of words that end with a "us " sound

Vis forVenomous

Venomous is another word for poisonous or toxic. Snakes, scorpions and spiders can be venomous.

Vis forVenus

Venus is the second closest planet to the sun, and the closest planet to earth. Venus is covered in thick clouds that reflect sunlight, and it is usually the brightest planet we can see in the sky at night. Venus is 108,208,930km from the Sun. Its radius is 6,051.8 km.
Photo of a virus

Vis forVirus

A virus is a living organism that can only reproduce if it is inside another living thing. Viruses are contagious, and many viruses make you sick. Both plants and animals can catch viruses. The virus in the picture is influenza, or the flu.

Wis forWalrus

Scientific name: odobenus rosmarus
A walrus is a large animal that spends most of its time in the sea. They eat clams, sea snails and other animals from the bottom of the sea. They can live to about 50 years old, and a male walrus can grow to weigh between 1,600 and 1,900kg, and get 10-12 feet long. They are distantly related to the seal.