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Scientific name: dugong dugon
Scientific name: family: trichechidae, genus: trichechus
Scientific name: Monodon monoceros
Scientific name: Orcinus orca
The orca, or killer whale, is the largest member of the dolphin family. They are found in oceans all over the world. Orcas are hunters, and will eat fish, sharks, seals and even whales. They grow to around 6-8 metres long, and can live to be 80 years old, although most males only get to be 30 and females 50. A female orca will have one calf every 5 years.
Scientific name: pinniped
Scientific name: odobenus rosmarus
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A walrus is a large animal that spends most of its time in the sea. They eat clams, sea snails and other animals from the bottom of the sea. They can live to about 50 years old, and a male walrus can grow to weigh between 1,600 and 1,900kg, and get 10-12 feet long. They are distantly related to the seal.
Whales are a large animal that lives in the sea. They are not fish, as they need to come to the surface to breathe, the same as we do when we are swimming. There are many different varieties of whale. Some eat fish, penguins and seals, but the majority of whales have a large mouth full of tiny bristles that they use to filter tiny sea animals out from the water to eat.
The whale is closely related to the dolphin.