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Photo of an ice skate

Words that rhyme with -ate

List of words that end with a "ate " sound

Dis forDebate

A debate is a structured discussion about the pros and cons of an issue. Each side of the discussion will either be for or against a point of view and will put forward the reasons for their side of the debate. A similar word to debate is argument.
A deflated balloon.

Dis forDeflate

Deflate means to release the gas or air from something that has been inflated, such as a balloon.

Dis forDelicate

Something is delicate if it has fine detail, or is fragile. A color or flavor is delicate if there is only the barest hint of it.

Dis forDilate

You dilate something when you make it bigger or wider. The eye in the picture is dilated.
Something disintegrates when it breaks down into the components it was made from, or just breaks into small pieces. The building in the picture is slowly disintegrating.
Photo of a domesticated sheep
Domestication, sometimes called taming, is the process of changing a breed of plants or animals so that it suits the needs of humans better. Most farm animals and pets are domesticated, as are a lot of backyard plants and crops grown for food. A breed of plants or animals is changed by a process called selection, where only the most suitable members are allowed to breed, so that the features humans want are passed on to the next generation.
Photo of a spider with eight legs.

Eis forEight

There are eight legs on the spider in the picture. The number before eight is seven. The number that comes after eight is nine.
Photo of an elaborate vase
Something is elaborate if it has been made with great care and with lots of intricate detail. The vase in the picture is quite elaborate. The opposite of elaborate is simple.
Photo of steam rising off a fist
Evaporation is the process of a liquid slowly turning into a gas. You see evaporation in everyday life when you hang out washing (laundry) or something else wet to dry. Evaporation happens when the molecules in the liquid get enough energy - usually from sunlight - to break through the surface of the liquid and float away. You can see the fist in the picture is steaming as the water from a hot shower evaporates away.