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Search results for: kitten

Kis forKitten

A kitten is a baby cat.
Photo of a cat

Cis forCat

Scientific name: felis catus
A cat is a small, meat-eating animal that is often kept as a pet. Cats are good at hunting mice. Most dogs don't like cats, and are often seen chasing them up trees. Cats spend over half of their time asleep. A baby cat is called a kitten.
Photo of a kitten and a wad of paper

Wis forWad

A wad is a lump or ball of something. The kitten in the picture is playing with a wad of paper.
A kitten clinging to a person.

Cis forCling

Cling means to hold on to something very tightly. The kitten in the picture is clinging to the person.
Photo of a cute kitten

Cis forCute

Something is cute if it is attractive, and small or young. Things that are often described as cute include kittens, puppies and babies, but many other things can be called cute too.

Bis forBreed

Breeding is the process of making offspring, or babies. The cat in the picture has bred, and has a litter of kittens.
Photo of dangling shoes on a power line

Dis forDangle

Something dangles if it is hanging loosely, so that is can move around freely. People often dangle toys for kittens so they will play with them.
Photo of a kitten

Mis forMew

Mew is the soft, high-pitched noise made by young kittens.
A group of puppies, kittens or other animals that are born in groups, is called a litter.

Mis forMany

Many means you have a large number of something. The man in the picture has many kittens.