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Photo of a triangle.

List of shapes

Most things in the world are made up of shapes, both two dimensional and three dimensional. Here are some of them.

Photo of a prism

Pis forPrism

A prism is a clear, solid object, usually shaped with a triangle on the top and bottom and straight sides. Prisms are used to change the direction of light, or to split it up into its colours like a rainbow.
Photo of pyramids in Egypt

Pis forPyramid

A pyramid is a three-dimensional shape, usually a building, that has the sides made out of identical triangles. The base of a pyramid is usually a square but sometimes is a triangle too. Square-based pyramids are easier to build. In Egypt, pyramid-shaped tombs were built for their royal family. Inside the pyramid were lots of chambers for dead members of the family and supplies that they thought would be needed in the afterlife.
Photo of a rectangle shape
A rectangle is a shape with four sides. The two opposite pairs of sides are different lengths, unlike the square that has every side the same length. The rectangle in the picture is a framed painting. Rectangles are everywhere around us.
Photo of a round hole.

Ris forRound

Something is round if it has the same shape as a circle or a sphere. The hole in the piece of wood in the picture is round. Round is also a short form of around.

Sis forShamrock

A shamrock is a representation of a three leaf white clover, which is the symbol of Ireland.
Photo of a young man in silhouette.
A silhouette is the outline of something, usually filled in dark against a lighter background. Silhouette was originally a style of art, either drawn or from shapes cut out of black card.
Photo of a concrete sphere

Sis forSphere

A sphere is a three dimensional shape. It is the same shape as a ball. Because it is 3 dimensional, you can make a sphere out of clay but you can't make it by cutting it out of a piece of paper. Every point on the outside of a sphere is the same distance from the centre of the sphere. A sphere with a map of the world printed on it is sometimes called a globe. Other objects that are almost spheres, like light bulbs, are sometimes called globes too.
Something is spherical if its shape is roughly the same as a sphere. The flower in the picture is spherical.

Sis forSpike

A spike is a long, thin, pointed object. Some kinds of nail are called spikes. Some types of shoes have spikes on the sole to give them better grip. Many plants and animals grow their own spikes as a type of defense.
Photo of a spiral

Sis forSpiral

A spiral is a curve that you make by drawing around a central dot while at the same time getting further and further away from the dot.