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Photo of an old man.

List of family members

All the members of your immediate and extended family. You might also be interested in titles that people can have.

Nis forNephew

Your nephew is the son of your brother or sister.

Nis forNiece

Your niece is the daughter of your brother or sister.

Pis forParent

A parent is anyone who has children. The children may not be their own - someone may be a foster parent, an adoptive parent or be a step-parent to step-children.
Relationships describe how two people feel about or know each other. If you are in a romantic relationship, you may be married, engaged, or dating. If you're in a platonic relationship, you call that person your friend. If you are related to someone, they're your family.
Photo of two siblings

Sis forSibling

People are siblings if they have at least one parent in common. Brothers and sisters are siblings.

Sis forSister

Your sister is a girl who has the same mother or father as you do.

Sis forSon

Your son is your male child. A female child is called a daughter.

Sis forSpouse

Spouse is a gender neutral word used to describe someone you are married to or in a long-term relationship with.
Photo of twins

Tis forTwins

Twins are siblings who are born from the same pregnancy. Twins can be identical or fraternal. Fraternal twins are just as similar as any other siblings, but identical twins can be extremely hard to tell apart.