An altar is a sacred place, often inside a church or shrine, where religious ceremonies take place.
A bassinet (sometimes spelt bassinette) is a small bed for babies that are under a few months old. When babies are older they usually sleep in an infant bed.
A beanbag is a large cloth bag full of small polystyrene beans. They are usually big enough to sit in. They squish and change shape when you sit in them so they are very comfortable. You can get very small beanbags too, which you can play games with or juggle with.
A bookshelf is a piece of furniture that is used to store books on. Bookshelves can also be used to store anything that fits on them, but most people do use bookshelves just to store books.
A carpet is a soft, usually fluffy surface that is put down on floors. Carpet usually means something that covers the entire floor, but can sometimes mean a smaller rug. Sometimes people call carpet broadloom carpet or wall-to-wall carpet. Carpets make the floor feel soft and warm.