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Photo of a woman with a bun in her hair

List of hairstyles

Ways you can wear your hair.

Pis forPonytail

A ponytail is a hairstyle where your hair is gathered together at the back of your head, and looks like a horse's tail.
Photo of a man with a quiff

Qis forQuiff

A quiff is a lock of hair, swept upwards, particularly above your forehead. The man in the picture has a quiff.
Photo of a man with sideburns
Sideburns are facial hair that comes down from your hairline in front of your ears onto your cheeks. When you have sideburns, you don't have any hair on your chin.
Photo of a man with stubble

Sis forStubble

Stubble is the short stalks left when a crop like wheat has been harvested. Stubble is also used to describe other things that look like grain stubble, like the short hair on a man's chin that you can see a little while after he has shaved.
Photo of a man wearing a toupee

Tis forToupee

A toupee is a type of wig that doesn't cover your entire head. Toupees are used to cover up bald patches. Toupees are not very popular anymore.

Wis forWig

A wig is just some fake hair. You can get wigs in almost any colour, either brightly coloured ones like in the picture, or natural coloured ones that look like real hair. Some people wear wigs for fun, others wear them because they are bald and don't want other people to know. A wig that only covers part of your head is called a toupee.