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An artistic depiction of an introvert.

List of lifestyles

Different types of lifestyles, personalities and ways of being.

An introvert is a person who feels emotionally drained in social situations and enjoys spending time alone in order to feel energized.
A omnivorous meal.

Ois forOmnivore

An omnivore is a person or animal that eats meat and vegetables.

Pis forPredator

A predator is any animal, including birds and fish, that hunts other animals for food. The food that a predator hunts is called its prey.

Pis forPrey

Prey is an animal, including birds and fish and even people, that another animal hunts for food. Prey animals are usually - but not always - smaller than the animal that wants to eat them. An animal or person that eats a prey animal is called a predator.
Photo of a pyromaniac
A pyromaniac is someone who has a strong urge to start fires. Pyromaniacs get pleasure from fire.
A rebel.

Ris forRebel

A rebel is a person who opposes or resists rules or government.

Sis forSpinster

A spinster is a woman who is not married or in any kind of relationship. The term is usually used to describe an older unmarried woman, while bachelor can be used to describe a man of any age.
A vegetarian is a person or animal that does not eat the flesh of any other animal. Some vegetarians won't eat anything that comes from an animal either, such as eggs or cheese. The opposite of a vegetarian is a carnivore.