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Photo of someone giving an injection.

List of medical terms

Medical terms, medical related jobs, medical conditions and medical instruments. But nothing good enough to self-diagnose with, just the basics!

Photo of someone being vaccinated
When you give someone an injection you use a syringe to put some liquid into them through a small needle. The person in the picture is being vaccinated.
Photo of an injured finger

Iis forInjury

An injury is damage done to a living thing. Injuries can range from a small scratch or bruise to a broken bone.
Photo of someone with insomnia

Iis forInsomnia

If you have insomnia, you have trouble sleeping, which means you are tired during the day. Someone who has insomnia is called an insomniac. Insomniacs might have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. Many medications have insomnia as a side effect.
Photo of a tiger scratching its ear

Iis forItch

An itch is an annoying, twingey feeling in your skin that you just have to scratch. Some itches are from touching something like poison ivy, some are from mosquito bites, and others just happen for no reason.
Photo of a baby with jaundice

Jis forJaundice

Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and the whites of your eyes, caused by an excess of bilirubin. Newborn babies often get slightly jaundiced. It is also a symptom of liver damage.
Photo of a lump

Lis forLump

A lump can mean more than one thing. A lump can be a raised bump on something else. The person in the picture has some lumps on their arm. A lump is also a piece of something that has an irregular shape, such as a lump of coal.
Photo of medicine bottles

Mis forMedicine

Medicine is any substance that is used to treat disease or injury.

Mis forMidwife

Midwives offer care to pregnant women through their pregnancy, the delivery of their babies and for some time after the birth. Compared to obstetricians, midwives generally take care of women with low-risk pregnancies, and strive to help women have a natural birthing experience and try to intervene as little as possible.
Photo of a migraine sufferer

Mis forMigraine

A migraine is a severe headache that usually affects one side of your head. Migraines cause nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can sometimes cause hallucinations. Migraines can last for several days, and stop you from being able to do anything.
Photo of someone feeling sick

Nis forNausea

Nausea is a very bad sick feeling in your stomach, like you want to vomit. People generally get nausea when they are pregnant, have food poisoning or other poisoning or when they are sick.