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Photo of someone giving an injection.

List of medical terms

Medical terms, medical related jobs, medical conditions and medical instruments. But nothing good enough to self-diagnose with, just the basics!

Photo of a nurse

Nis forNurse

A nurse is someone who helps sick or injured people. Nurses work with doctors to help care for people and make them better.

Pis forPill

Pills, also called tablets, are small, usually hard lumps of medicine that are meant to be swallowed.
Photo of a teenager with pimples

Pis forPimple

A pimple is a small raised, often inflamed spot on your skin. Teenagers often have pimples on their faces.
Photo of a swarm of locusts

Pis forPlague

A plague is a widespread outbreak of disease or something else bad, such as a plague of locusts. Plagues cause a lot of death or damage.

Pis forPregnant

Pregnancy is the state female mammals are in when they have one or more babies growing inside them, in their uterus. People, cows and horses usually have one baby at a time, while animals like pigs and cats have many babies at a time.

Ris forRash

A rash is a change in the appearance of your skin. Most rashes make you look like you are covered in little red dots. Some rashes are raised, some are blistery, still others are flakey. There are lots of different kinds of rashes and even more possible causes, so if you have a rash that is very bad or won't go away, see your Doctor.

Sis forSaline

A liquid is saline if it contains common salt dissolved into it. Any salty water can be described as saline, but the word is most often used for sterile salty water used for medical purposes. A similar word to saline is brine.
Photo of a scab

Sis forScab

A scab is a hard layer that forms over an injury, as part of the healing process. After a few days, the scab falls off and eventually a scar will be all that remains of the injury.
Photo of a scalpel

Sis forScalpel

A scalpel is an extremely sharp knife that is used by surgeons.
Photo of a scar

Sis forScar

A scar is a mark on your skin that shows where it has healed after it was damaged. Scar tissue can also form inside you if you have an internal injury. The man in the picture has a scar from donating a kidney.