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Photo of bread

Words that rhyme with -ed

List of words that end with a "ed " sound

Photo of thread

Tis forThread

Thread is a very thin, twisted string or cord used for sewing.
Photo of a foot treading

Tis forTread

You tread when you put your foot down onto something, usually while you are walking. Tread might refer to other things like the pattern on a tyre or the bottom of your shoe.
Photo of books

Uis forUnread

A book or any other piece of writing is unread if you have not read it. Once you have read a book, and then give it to someone else who hasn't read it, it becomes unread again to the new person.
Widespread weather.
Widespread means that something is covering a large area. Weather patterns are often widespread.

Wis forWrinkled

Something is wrinkled if it has many wrinkles or small folds and creases in it.