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Photo of bread

Words that rhyme with -ed

List of words that end with a "ed " sound

Photo of a dead tree

Dis forDead

Something is dead if it used to be alive once but isn't any more. All living things will eventually die, but some can live for much longer than others.
Photo of decorated Easter eggs
Something is decorated if it has things on or in it that make it look much nicer. For example, you might decorate your house with nice furniture. The picture is of decorated Easter eggs.

Dis forDilated

Something is dilated if it has become bigger or wider. The eye in the picture is dilated.
Photo of a disappointed dog
When you become a little sad because something doesn't work out the way you thought it would, you are disappointed.
Photo of a barnacle encrusted rock
Something is encrusted if it is covered in a layer of something else. Usually when you talk about something being encrusted, the layer is made up of lots of small things. Some expensive jewelry is encrusted with diamonds, and the rock in the picture is encrusted with barnacles.
Photo of a girl feeding a goat

Fis forFed

Fed is the past tense of feed. For example, "I fed the cat before I left for work today."
Photo of a man's forehead

Fis forForehead

Your forehead is the part of your head between your eyebrows and your hairline.

Fis forFred

Fred is a nickname for Frederick. The man in the picture is actor Fred Armisen.
Photo of a mannequin's head

His forHead

The head is the topmost part of your body. On the front of your head is your face, and on the top and back of your head you grow hair. All animals, insects, birds and fish have heads, except for some tiny organisms that are so small we cannot see them. Your head is joined to your body by your neck. The photo is a mannequin's head.
Photo of one hundred grains of salt

His forHundred

One hundred (100) is ten sets of ten. There are 100 years in a century. The photo is of one hundred grains of salt.