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Photo of bread

Words that rhyme with -ed

List of words that end with a "ed " sound

Photo of some ingots of lead
Scientific name: Pb
Lead is a soft metal that is usually dull grey. It is the heaviest stable metal. It has a relatively low melting point. Lead is used in batteries, bullets, solder, pewter and radiation shields. Lead is a heavy metal like mercury and can accumulate in the body and cause poisoning. Lead poisoning was common in ancient times.

Lis forLed

Led is the past tense of lead. The man in the picture has led the camel along.
Something is overloaded if it is carrying a load that is too big for it. The car in the picture is overloaded.

Ris forRed

Red is a bright colour often seen on fruits and flowers. It is a primary colour, which means red paint can be used to make other colours but you can't use any other colours to make red paint. The flower in the picture is red.

Sis forSacred

Sacred is a religious word that describes a place or an object that is holy or blessed.

Sis forShed

Sheds are usually found in backyards or on farms for storing tools, machinery or just things the owner isn't using. Sheds are not meant to live in, and often don't have windows or more than a dirt floor. Sheds are usually made out of wood or metal.
Photo of shredded paper.

Sis forShredded

Something is shredded if it has been cut into small pieces. Usually the pieces are strips that are longer than they are wide. People shred vegetables to make salads, and they shred paper so that noone can read what was written on it. The person who took the picture does not have a very good shredder, as some of his paper shreddings are very readable.
Photo of a horse drawn sled

Sis forSled

A sled, sledge or sleigh is a vehicle that moves along by sliding. Sleds usually have thin runners underneath instead of wheels. Sleds work best on ice or snow. Sleds are usually pulled along by an animal like a horse or husky, but you can also slide in a sled by yourself if you are going down a slope. People often call a sled pulled by horses or deer a sleigh, a sled pulled by dogs a sled and a sled you slide yourself a toboggan.

Sis forSped

Sped is the past tense of speed, for example "she sped past him on her motorbike".
Photo of a racehorse.
Thoroughbreds are kind of horse that are bred for speed. They are used mainly as racehorses, but are also used for other kinds of riding.