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Photo of a mirage

Words that rhyme with -arge

List of words that end with a "arge " sound

Photo of a barge

Bis forBarge

A barge is a low boat with a flat bottom that was originally designed to move by being towed or pushed along. Barges were once propelled by pushing them along using a bargepole, or were pulled by a horse walking along the shore. Modern barges are propelled by motors.
Photo of a camouflaged insect
Camouflage is a way that animals can blend into the backgrounds by making themselves look as much like the background as possible. Some flat fish look exactly like the bottom of the sea. Some insects look exactly like the leaf they sit on. Can you see the insect in the picture? (it is at the bottom right, look closely)
Photo of a corsage

Cis forCorsage

A corsage is a small bouquet that is worn to one side of your chest, or on your wrist. Corsages are often worn at weddings.
Photo of a large cat

Lis forLarge

Large is another word for big. The cat in the picture is large.
Photo of a mirage

Mis forMirage

A mirage happens when there are areas of air close to each other at different temperatures, which causes light to bend. This often happens when there is a layer of very hot air just above a road. The result is that something that should be seen in one place is seen in another place. Mirages can look a lot like water on the ground, reflecting the sky.