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Photo of a ring

Words that rhyme with -ing

List of words that end with a "ing " sound

Photo of a gosling

Gis forGosling

A baby goose is called a gosling.

His forHearing

You use your ears to hear with. Hearing is a very important sense but it is possible to live very well when you cannot hear. Someone who cannot hear is deaf. Some people who are deaf never learn to talk so they communicate with sign language.

His forHiking

Hiking is a hobby or sport where people go on long walks, usually through fairly remote or wilderness areas. The person in the picture has hiked to the top of a mountain.
Photo of iced cakes

Iis forIcing

Icing, or frosting, is a very sweet decorative layer that is put onto cakes and cookies. Icing can be made into any color, and varies from a soft spread to a very hard consistency. Icing is most commonly made from a mixture of icing sugar and butter, with coloring and flavors added.
Photo of a statue of a king.

Kis forKing

A king is the male ruler of a country or empire. Kings and queens are born or married into their positions, not voted in by the people. You cannot choose to become a king.
Photo of a duck landing

Lis forLanding

Something lands when it comes down from flying in the air and alights on the ground, or on water or similar. When you land, it is called a landing, for example "Look at the pilot landing her plane".

Lis forLansing

Lansing is the capital of Michigan in the United States of America. It has a population of around 550,000 people.
Photo of layering in progress

Lis forLayering

Layering is a technique for propogating plants. It works best for plants that grow roots slowly, and plants that would naturally grow roots where a stem touches the ground. To layer a plant, you usually take a stem and bend it down towards the ground, or into a pot, and hold it in place. You damage the stem where it touches the ground by cutting it part way through, adding some rooting hormone if you want. After some time, the plant will grow roots and shoots at the cut and it can be removed from the parent plant. Layering can also be done in the air by cutting a stem part way through, adding the rooting hormone, and bundling up some damp potting soil or peat moss around the cut. The plant will grow roots into the bundle of soil, and then it can be removed from the parent plant. This works best with plants that aren't flexible enough to be bent to the ground.
Photo of a lemming

Lis forLemming

Scientific name: lemmus lemmus
Lemmings are small rodents closely related to voles. They eat mainly leaves new shoots and grasses. Lemmings will sometimes migrate in large numbers, not stopping even if a cliff gets in the way, which has lead to many myths about their behaviour.
Lightning is a discharge of static electricity during a thunderstorm. Thunder is actually the sound of the lightning, but if you are a long way away from the lightning it may take a while for the thunderclap to reach you. Lightning is caused by a similar process to being 'zapped' when you touch a car after a drive, or if you scuff your feet along carpet and then touch someone. Lightning is on a much larger scale though, and being hit by lightning can kill you.