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Photo of a woman smiling.

Words that rhyme with -ile

List of words that end with a "ile " sound

Photo of a long road

Mis forMile

A mile is 5280 feet, 1760 yards, or 1.609 kilometers.
Photo of missiles

Mis forMissile

Missiles are anything you can throw or fire, generally as a weapon. Missiles include the stones you put in a sling, arrows and modern self-propelled missiles.
Photo of the nile

Nis forNile

The Nile is a river that runs through Africa. It is the longest river in the world.
Photo of a pile of tyres

Pis forPile

Many things stacked on top of each other in no particular order is called a pile. The photo is of a pile of tyres.
A projectile is something that is fired from a weapon at high speed. Anything can be used as a projectile, but most weapons have very specific and effective types of projectiles. Examples of projectiles are bullets and cannon balls.

Sis forSmile

You smile when you are happy. When you smile, the corners of your mouth point upwards, and sometimes your smile gets so big your teeth show, just like the girl in the picture.
Photo of some sterile medical equipment

Sis forSterile

A plant or animal is sterile if it cannot produce offspring. Something that has no living things on it or that cannot sustain living things is also called sterile. Medical equipment is usually provided in sealed packets that keep it sterile. Another word for sterile is barren. The opposite of sterile is fertile.

Sis forSundial

Sundials are a device that uses the sun to tell the time. A sundial is made up of a horizontal dial plate with numbers on it, and a vertical upright called a gnomon. As the sun moves, the shadow cast by the gnomon moves around the dial plate, and you can read the time off what numbers it points to. Some sundials use a shaft of light rather than a shadow, and the dial plate may be curved not flat. Some sundials have enough information on the dial plate to be able to tell the date as well as the time.
Photo of some slate tiles

Tis forTile

Tiles are pieces of pottery or stone that are glued to another surface. You usually see tiles in bathrooms and kitchens, but they can be used anywhere in a house or a public area. The stuff that goes between the tiles is called grout.