You maintain something when you keep it in its current state. For example, you might maintain a friendship with someone, or maintain your house to keep it in good condition. This is called carrying out maintenance.
The soldiers in the picture are maintaining grave sites.
A migraine is a severe headache that usually affects one side of your head. Migraines cause nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can sometimes cause hallucinations. Migraines can last for several days, and stop you from being able to do anything.
Pis forPlane (tool)
A plane is a tool for shaving off thin layers of wood, to make something flatter or thinner. Planes are often used to make a sticky door fit better. Planes have handles on them placed so you can get the best force, and the wood itself is shaved off with an adjustable blade under the plane. Planes work best going with the grain of the wood, not across it.
As with many hand tools, you can also buy electric planes that don't require as much force to get them to work.
Porcelain is a hard, white ceramic that is commonly used to make plates and cups, some dolls, and bathroom ware like baths and toilets. When porcelain is very thin, it is slightly translucent.