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Photo of a submarine.

Words that rhyme with -een

List of words that end with a "een " sound

Photo of the Philippines flag
The Philippines is a country in south east Asia, over a number of islands north of Indonesia. The capital of the Philippines is Manila. People in the Philippines speak Filipino.
Photo of a bird preening itself.

Pis forPreen

Preening is a word used for the way birds clean and groom themselves. Birds use their beaks to straighten their feathers and remove dirt and parasites. During the preening process, many species of birds cover their feathers with oil from a gland at the base of their tails.
Photo of the Queen
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Qis forQueen

A Queen is the female ruler of a country or empire. You can become a Queen either by marrying a King or by being born into the position, not by being voted in by the people. You cannot choose to become a Queen. A man cannot become a King by marrying a Queen, he simply becomes a Queen's consort, and a woman who has become Queen by marriage stops being a Queen when her husband dies.

Sis forSaline

A liquid is saline if it contains common salt dissolved into it. Any salty water can be described as saline, but the word is most often used for sterile salty water used for medical purposes. A similar word to saline is brine.

Sis forSardine

Scientific name: sardina pilchardus
Sardines and pilchards are a group of small, oily fish. In some places, a small pilchard is called a sardine and a large sardine is called a pilchard. They can be eaten grilled, pickled or smoked. Sardines are most commonly bought in cans. They are eaten bones and all and are an excellent source of minerals.
Photo of a woman using a sewing machine
A sewing machine is a device, usually powered by an electric motor, that can sew much neater and straighter than you can by hand. Modern sewing machines have lots of different stitches built into them. Some sewing machines can even connect to a computer and stitch very intricate embroidery from pictures on the computer automatically.

Sis forSoybean

Scientific name: glycine max
Soybeans, or soya beans are a type of legume that are used for many, many purposes. Soy beans can be used to make soy sauce, tofu, soy milk and a great many other things. They can also be cooked and eaten when they are still green and fresh. Soy beans must be cooked before they can be eaten. Soy beans contain protein that is close to exactly what humans need, and are a great food source for vegetarians.

Sis forSpleen

The spleen is an organ located inside the abdomen. The spleen is part of the immune system, and its job is to filter old and abnormal blood cells from the blood stream.
A submarine is a seafaring vessel that can completely submerge for long periods of time. Some submarines can stay under water for 6 months at a time. Submarines are used for exploring, and by the Navy.
Photo of a girl applying sunscreen
Sunscreen is a cream with special chemicals in it that stops you from getting sunburnt. When you get sunburnt, you increase your chances of getting skin cancer.