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Photo of an explosion.

Words that rhyme with -shun

List of words that end with a "shun " sound

Photo of a Russian man

Ris forRussian

Russian is the language spoken in Russia, someone from Russia or describes anything relating to Russia.
A television, or TV, is something you use for watching moving pictures and sound that comes from a distance. Television programs are broadcast from television transmitters, so the television signal comes into your house through cables or in the air from a tower. Your television is just the device that picks up the signal and converts it into something you can watch. You can also play games though your television. Most people today have at least one television in their house.
A train station is a special place that you go when you want to take a ride on a train. Trains take a long time to slow down or speed up, so train stations are usually quite some distance apart.

Vis forVacation

A vacation, or holiday, is when you take some time off from work or school to relax. Most people go away for their vacations, and often go to stay near a beach.