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Photo of paperclips.

Words that rhyme with -ip

List of words that end with a "ip " sound

Photo of strips of paper

Sis forStrip

Strips are long, thin pieces of something. The picture is of some torn strips of paper. You can also use the word strip to describe a group of things arranged in a long, narrow way, such as a strip of shops, or shopping strip. Strip also means to remove something from. You might strip off your clothes, or strip the plastic covering off some electrical cables.
Photo of a bird with black tipped wings

Tis forTip

The tip of something is the smaller end of it, such as the tip of your finger or the tip of an iceberg. The bird in the picture has black tips on its wings. A tip might also be another word for a small piece of advice, or some money given to someone for good service.
Photo of a field of tulips

Tis forTulip

Scientific name: tulipa gesneriana
A tulip is a flower with a distinctive shape that grows from a bulb. Tulips come in a huge variety of colours and patterns, and are grown to be used as a cut flower. Tulips usually flower in spring. They should be planted in autumn. Tulips will tolerate very cold climates. You can grow new tulips from offsets, which are small plantlets that bud off from the sides of the main tulip bulb.
Photo of turnips

Tis forTurnip

Scientific name: brassica rapa
A turnip is an edible root vegetable. Turnips are quite hard, and are usually used in soups, stews or mashed. Turnips are a member of the cabbage family.
Photo of a zip being unzipped

Uis forUnzip

Unzip is a word that means opening up a zipper.
Photo of a man cracking a whip

Wis forWhip

A whip is usually made from a short stick with a thin strip of leather at the end, although some whips are just made from a flexible rod. Whips are usually used for training animals, as an extension of your arm. Whips can be cracked with a loud noise, which will scare an animal and make them change direction.

Yis forYip

A yip is a short, sharp bark, very similar to a yap.

Zis forZip

A zip is a device that keeps your clothes closed. It is made from two strips of tiny teeth and a slider that meshes the teeth together when you zip it up and unmeshes them when you unzip it. Zips are found on many, many kinds of clothing. Before zippers were so popular, people used buttons to keep clothes closed.