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Photo of an ice skate

Words that rhyme with -ate

List of words that end with a "ate " sound

Photo of a prefabricated house
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Prefabricated describes something that has been made for quick assembly or construction. Prefabricated homes are often called mobile homes because they can be transported whole, unlike normal homes which can't be moved.

Pis forPrivate

Something is private if it is only for the use of one person, or a specific group of people, and isn't to be shared with anyone else. For example, a private bathroom or a private club. The opposite of private is public.
Photo of someone procrastinating
You procrastinate when you delay something until later. Procrastination is only caused by yourself, unlike a delay you cannot be procrastinated by an outside influence like bad weather. Students often procrastinate doing their assignments.
Photo of rollerskates
Rollerskates are special shoes that have wheels on the bottom. Instead of walking in them, you roll along. Rollerskates with the wheels in a single row are called rollerblades or in line skates.
Photo of a wind turbine

Ris forRotate

When something turns around a fixed central point, it is said to be rotating. The blades of wind turbines and fans rotate around their axis. Another word for rotate is spin.
A sedated dog.

Sis forSedate

Sedate is another word for calm. If you are sedated, you have been given a drug to make you calm.
Photo of a skater

Sis forSkate

A skate might be another word for a ice skate or roller skate. It might also describe the action of gliding over a surface wearing some kind of skates. Someone who skates is a skater.
Photo of a skater

Sis forSkater

A skater is someone who skates, either on ice skates, roller skates or on a skateboard. People might skate just for fun, or professionally for money.

Sis forSlate

Slate is a type of stone that has a clear grain to it and can be split into quite thin pieces. Slate shingles have been used for centuries to make rooves out of, and can also be used for tiling floors or building walls out of.

Sis forStraight

Something is straight if it has no bends, curves or corners in it. The road in the picture is long and straight.