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Photo of a net.

Words that rhyme with -et

List of words that end with a "et " sound

Photo of a reset button

Ris forReset

Resetting something means to either set it again, or to set it back to some kind of previous state. You might reset the time on your clock if you get it wrong the first time, or reset a computer so it is back to a freshly started up state.

Ris forRocket

A rocket is a long, tube-shaped vehicle that forces hot gas out one end when it is launched. Rockets can go extremely fast, and can be used for a variety of purposes.
Photo of a roulette wheel

Ris forRoulette

A game in which a small ball is spun around on a moving wheel, and people try to win money by guessing which hole the ball will fall into. Roulette games can be played at home with fake money as well as in a casino.

Sis forScarlet

Scarlet is a bright, intense red, tending towards the orange end of the red spectrum not the blue end.

Sis forSecret

A secret is something nobody else knows but you. Sometimes you share your secrets with your best friends. If someone tells you a secret, you shouldn't tell anyone else.
Photo of a young man in silhouette.
A silhouette is the outline of something, usually filled in dark against a lighter background. Silhouette was originally a style of art, either drawn or from shapes cut out of black card.

Sis forSinglet

A singlet is another word for undershirt.

Sis forSunset

Sunset is the time of day when the sun goes down below the horizon. The sky goes from dark to coloured with lots of shades of pink and orange and red and then to deep purple before the sun goes completely below the horizon and it is night time. The time just after sunset before it gets completely dark is called dusk. The opposite of sunset is sunrise.
Photo of a sweaty forehead

Sis forSweat

When you are very hot or have been doing a lot of exercise, you sweat. Sweat is a salty liquid that comes out of your skin. When air blows across the sweat it evaporates and dries out, and as this happens it cools you off.
Photo of some pills

Tis forTablet

Tablets, also called pills or capsules depending on their shape, are small objects that you swallow. Tablets usually have something like medicine in them that makes you better. People most often take pills to stop a headache, or to stop them being sick.