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Photo of a net.

Words that rhyme with -et

List of words that end with a "et " sound

Photo of an archery target

Tis forTarget

A target is something you aim at when you throw or fire something. In archery and shooting, a target is drawn as several circles inside each other. The goal is to hit the center of the target.
The flag of Tibet.

Tis forTibet

Tibet is a country located in Asia. The capital of Tibet is Lhasa. People in Tibet speak Tibetan.
Photo of a toilet

Tis forToilet

A toilet is usually found in the bathroom or in its own room in a modern house. A toilet is also called a lavatory, latrine, loo, water closet (WC), comfort room (CR), privy, dunny or outhouse. Toilets are used to dispose of human waste, specifically urine and faeces.
Photo of a man playing a trumpet

Tis forTrumpet

The trumpet is the smallest brass instrument. It is made from a long tube of brass curled around, and like all brass instruments is played by buzzing your lips into the mouthpiece. Trumpets have three valves that you work with your fingers that changes the length of the brass tube, and with it the note that the trumpet plays.
Photo of a turret

Tis forTurret

A turret is a small tower that starts partway up a building like a castle, rather than starting at ground level. Turrets were originally part of the defensive structure of a castle but have since become decorative components on more recent buildings.
Photo of the UAE flag
The United Arab Emirates is a country on the Arabian peninsula in western Asia. The capital of the United Arab Emirates is Abu Dhabi and the largest city is Dubai. People in the United Arab Emirates speak Arabic.
Photo of an upset toddler

Uis forUpset

You upset something when you disturb it. You can upset your stomach by eating bad food, or you can upset a pile of something by knocking it over. But when most people say upset they mean to disturb someone's emotions, which often makes them sad and agitated. The child in the picture is upset.
Photo of a velvet top

Vis forVelvet

Velvet is a type of fabric that is smooth on one side and tufted on the other side. The tufts are fine and even and give velvet a very soft, rich feel. Velvet has a pile and the sheen will change if you stroke it in different directions. Velvet can be made from anything - velvet is simply the name for the weave. The best velvet is made from silk, but it can also be made from cotton or artificial fibres like nylon or polyester.

Vis forVet

Vet is a shortened form of veterinarian.
Photo of a violet

Vis forViolet

Scientific name: viola odorata, and other violas.
A violet is a small plant that usually has purple flowers. Violets are found in most parts of the world and are a popular garden plant. Violets have heart shaped leaves.