A kite is something light that you can fly, and you keep it from getting away from you by holding onto it by a length of string. You launch a kite on a windy day by running with it until it starts to lift up, and then letting it go.
Light is a type of energy that makes you able to see things. Things like light bulbs, candles and the sun emit light.
Things that don't emit light reflect light, which makes you able to see them.
Scientific name: Cu2CO3(OH)2
Malachite is copper carbonate, and is a bright green colour, often with bands and swirls of different shades of green. The patterning makes it quite attractive polished and can be used in jewelry.
A parasite is something that takes what it needs from a host. Parasites can be plants, insects, viruses or animals. The one feature they all share is that they either live on in their host, and damage the host to some degree for their own benefit.
Fleas are the parasite that most people are familiar with. The parasite in the photo is mistletoe.