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Types of dogs

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Photo of a dog

Dis forDog

Scientific name: canis lupus familiaris
People have been keeping dogs as pets for thousands of years. Dogs can be used to herd animals like sheep, and if they are well trained they will obey commands like sit and fetch. Dogs come in a huge variety of different colours and sizes, from tiny Chihuahuas right up to huge dogs like the Great Dane. A female dog is called a bitch and a baby dog is called a puppy. Modern dogs were domesticated from wolves, and were originally kept as hunting companions.
Photo of a hotdog

His forHot dog

A hot dog is a type of food made from a sausage inside a bread roll. You can add other things to a hot dog, like tomato ketchup, onions, mustard, cheese or anything else you think might taste good.

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Rough collies are a long-haired breed of medium-sized to large dog originally used to herd animals in Scotland. They are not a nervous or agressive dog and are good with children. They make good family pets. The most famous rough collie is Lassie, so some people call this kind of dog a Lassie dog.

Tis forThe

You use the when you are talking about a specific instance of something rather than a general one. For example, the dog to mean a particular dog or a dog to mean any dog.
Photo of a blue heeler
Blue heelers, also called Australian cattle dogs, are a medium-sized, energetic dog that was originally bred to herd cattle. They have dense, coarse hair. When they are kept as a pet rather than a working dog, they need lots of exercise and activities to keep them occupied or they get bored and destructive. As they herd cattle by nipping at them, they can be a nippy dog and will need chew toys. They can become very loyal to their owners and aggressive to anyone else they consider a threat.
Photo of a bull terrier
Bull terriers are a breed of dog with a distinctive "egg shaped" head and triangular eyes. They were originally bred to hunt vermin and for animal blood sports. Bull terriers are loyal, polite and obedient and make good family pets, but need firm leadership and supervision. They don't like being left alone, so will not be for everyone. They are a very energetic dog and may be boisterous around very small children. They are not suitable for a household with other pets as they may be aggressive towards them, and are recommended for experienced dog owners.

Sis forShih Tzu

Shih tzu are an ancient breed of companion dog, bred to be a lap dog for Chinese royalty. They were bred to look like the lions in traditional oriental art. Their fur will grow into a long, silky coat if looked after, but most people keep their fur clipped short. They are a sweet, devoted, playful dog.
Photo of a big dog and a small dog

Sis forSmall

Something is small if other things are much bigger than it. In the picture, the dog on the bench is much smaller than the dog on the ground.
Photo of puppies.

Pis forPuppy

A puppy, or pup, is a baby dog or wolf. Dogs are generally called puppies until they are a year old. When a mother dog has puppies, there are usually about six of them born at once.