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Photo of waste

List of waste products

Things leftover from doing something else.

Sis forSawdust

Sawdust is the name for the fine particles of wood that are made when you cut wood up with a saw. In the picture you can see the sawdust being made by the man using the chainsaw. Sawdust makes really good bedding for pet mice and guinea pigs.
Photo of fabric scraps

Sis forScrap

Scraps are small pieces of something, usually the remnants from cutting out what you want from something. Scraps can often be reused for other projects. Scrap might also describe general waste that may or may not be able to be recycled, such as scrap metal.
Photo of wastewater treatment

Sis forSewage

Sewage is the waste that is found in sewers. It is mostly waste water from houses, including everything you flush down your toilet.
Photo of silt on a road

Sis forSilt

Silt is very fine particles of dirt or soil that is carried along by water. Silt will eventually settle to the bottom of the water it is in, or like in the picture it gets washed up by water and then left behind when the water recedes.
Photo of soot

Sis forSoot

Soot is a black powder that is left behind when something is burnt. The piece of wood in the picture hides an engine and you can clearly see the soot marks left by the exhaust.

Sis forSpeck

A speck is a tiny piece of something, for example a speck of dust.
Photo of some straw bales

Sis forStraw

wheat. It is the dried stalks of the plants after the seed heads have been cut off at harvest time. Straw is used for animal bedding, mulching gardens, as thatched rooves, making hats, and as a poor-quality animal feed. Hay is similar to straw but is a better quality animal feed.
Photo of a man with stubble

Sis forStubble

Stubble is the short stalks left when a crop like wheat has been harvested. Stubble is also used to describe other things that look like grain stubble, like the short hair on a man's chin that you can see a little while after he has shaved.
Photo of some trash

Tis forTrash

Trash, rubbish or garbage is all the things that we don't use and throw away. You put your trash in a bin or trash can and it gets taken to the tip. Some people just litter the street with their rubbish. Trash is mostly made up of plastic packaging from food, and scraps of food.

Wis forWaste

You waste something when you have it, but you don't use it, or you use it for less important things. Someone might waste their money by buying lots of pairs of shoes and then complaining later they have no money for other things. Waste is also leftovers, or something that is no longer needed and becomes trash. Anything you throw away is waste.