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Photo of a storm.

List of weather conditions

Rain and snow, hail and fog, and natural disasters too. Some weather you can enjoy, some you should be afraid of.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Sis forSmog

Smog is a layer of airborne pollution that forms a haze over cities. Sometimes pollution can be so thick that it is a health hazard to people breathing it.
Photo of snow

Sis forSnow

Snow is what happens to rain when it is so cold that the raindrops turn to ice crystals. Snow is white, can be very soft and you can use it to make snowballs or snowpeople out of.
Photo of a storm

Sis forStorm

When the weather is severe we call it a storm. During a storm there is usually strong wind, thunder and lightning, heavy rain or snow and sometimes hail.
Photo of lightning

Tis forThunder

Thunder is the loud rumbling sound made by lightning. Thunder can also describe other loud noises, for example "the herd of horses thundered by".

Tis forTornado

A tornado is a kind of extreme weather where a thin, rotating column of air is created. Tornados can be seen all over the world but are most common in the United States. Tornados can be very dangerous, and can destroy houses and crops and kill farm animals.
Photo of brooding weather

Wis forWeather

Weather is the word used for the state of the atmosphere in general, such as wind, sunshine, rain and other natural events that come from the sky, for example "it is nice weather today".
Photo of wind over a sand dune

Wis forWind

Wind is just the large scale movement of air. Wind happens because some parts of the world get heated up more than others by the sun, and it makes the air there get bigger, so the air has to try and move somewhere it has more room. Where it is cold, the air gets smaller, so wind is always moving between places that are different temperatures. When it is very windy it is called a storm. Wind can be very dangerous, but it can also be turned into electricity using wind turbines or used for other purposes using windmills. There are lots of words that mean different kinds of wind, like breeze for a gentle wind, gust for a sudden burst of wind, or gale for a very strong wind.