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Photo of a woman wearing a mortarboard.

List of education words

Words to do with education and learning.

Photo of a man teaching a class.

Tis forTeacher

A teacher is someone who helps other people learn about new things. In a school, a teacher teaches students how to read and write and how to do maths. As children get older their teachers educate them about more complicated things.
A university is a place where people go, usually after finishing school, to learn more about something so they can get a job, or simply because they love to learn. Universities give you a degree or some other certification when you have finished learning. In some countries, a place where you go for other kinds of tertiary education is known by other names, like a college or a technical school.
Photo of a whiteboard
A whiteboard is a smooth, white surface you can write on. Teachers use them to help explain things to their students, and people also use them to brainstorm ideas on. You write on a whiteboard with a special kind of marker.