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Photo of a woman smiling.

List of emotions

Feelings and facial expressions from happy to sad and all things in between.

Photo of a child concentrating
You are concentrating on something if you are completely focussed on it, and have blocked out all other distractions. People usually concentrate when they are doing something complicated that requires them to think hard without being interrupted.
Photo of a crying baby

Cis forCry

You cry when you are very sad, upset, or you have hurt yourself. Babies cry when they are tired or hungry.
Photo of a disappointed dog
When you become a little sad because something doesn't work out the way you thought it would, you are disappointed.
Photo of a woman looking at a man with disdain

Dis forDisdain

Disdain is a way of treating someone as if you dislike them and they are beneath you. The woman is looking at the man who is approaching her with disdain.

Dis forDisgust

You feel disgust when you have a sudden, very strong dislike of something. Some smells, like rotten food, are disgusting. The person in the picture is disgusted.
You are embarrassed when you are made uncomfortable and self-conscious by something that happens. For example, you might get embarrassed when you make a mistake introducing yourself to someone you really like.

Eis forEnjoy

You enjoy something if it gives you pleasure and makes you happy. The man in the picture is enjoying the food he is eating.
Photo of an envious bridesmaid

Eis forEnvy

Envy is being resentful of something that someone else has. Sometimes, people who are envious will wish the other person doesn't have the coveted item either. Envy is one of the seven deadly sins.
Photo of an excited woman

Eis forExcited

You are excited when you are really really happy about something. People get excited when they win the lottery, or are about to go away on holidays. Children often get excited at parties. People who are excited sometimes jump up and down and wave their arms around.

Fis forForget

You forget something if you don't do it, but not on purpose. You might forget to do your homework, or go out and forget your keys. The man in the picture has forgotten to put his pants on before he goes to work.