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Photo of a ewe

List of feminine words

Ewes, cows, sows, hens and of course girls and women.

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Photo of a grandmother.
Your grandmother is the mother of your mother or father. Some other names for Grandmother are Grandma, Nana, Granny, Oma, Baba or Nan.
Photo of a hen.

His forHen

Most female birds are called hens. The most common female bird to be called a hen is a chicken.

His forHeroine

Heroine is the feminine of hero. People of either gender can call themselves heroes.
Photo of a mare.

Mis forMare

A mare is a female horse. A male horse is called a stallion and a baby horse is called a foal.
Photo of a mother and baby

Mis forMother

Your mother is your female parent. Mother can mean many things, usually your mother is the lady who gave birth to you and brought you home from the hospital. Sometimes it means the lady who brought you up, if you were adopted.
Photo of a mother and baby

Mis forMum

Mum or Mom is an informal word for mother.

Nis forNiece

Your niece is the daughter of your brother or sister.
Photo of Princess Diana.

Pis forPrincess

A princess is the daughter of a king or queen. You can also become a princess by marrying a prince.
Photo of the Queen
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Qis forQueen

A Queen is the female ruler of a country or empire. You can become a Queen either by marrying a King or by being born into the position, not by being voted in by the people. You cannot choose to become a Queen. A man cannot become a King by marrying a Queen, he simply becomes a Queen's consort, and a woman who has become Queen by marriage stops being a Queen when her husband dies.