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Photo of someone giving an injection.

List of medical terms

Medical terms, medical related jobs, medical conditions and medical instruments. But nothing good enough to self-diagnose with, just the basics!

Photo of a scratched arm

Sis forScratch

When you get an itch, you usually have an urge to scratch it. Itches are best scratched with something fairly sharp, like your fingernails or a twig. If you scratch yourself too hard it can break your skin and make you bleed.
Photo of blue tablets

Sis forSedative

Something has a sedative effect if it makes you calm and sleepy. Many things have a sedative effect. Some are pills, some are herbs like valerian, and some kinds of music also have a sedative effect.
Photo of someone with a cold

Sis forSick

When you are sick, you don't feel very good. You can get sick by catching a disease like the flu, or from eating food that has gone bad, or even from having an allergic reaction to something like a dog or cat.
Photo of someone with their arm in a sling
A sling is a kind of bandage, usually for supporting a sprained or broken arm.
Photo of a man sneezing.

Sis forSneeze

A sneeze is a sudden explosion of air from your nose and mouth. You usually sneeze if something tickles the inside of your nose, or if you have a cold. It is a good idea to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze, like the man in the picture. A lot of mucous can come out when you sneeze and can travel a long way. If you are sick, you can make other people sick by sneezing near them.
Photo of a hand with a splinter in it

Sis forSplinter

A splinter is a tiny piece of wood that is sharp at one end. You can get splinters in your hands if you work with splintery wood without gloves on.
Photo of some sterile medical equipment

Sis forSterile

A plant or animal is sterile if it cannot produce offspring. Something that has no living things on it or that cannot sustain living things is also called sterile. Medical equipment is usually provided in sealed packets that keep it sterile. Another word for sterile is barren. The opposite of sterile is fertile.
A stethoscope is a device that doctors and nurses use to listen to sounds inside you. Stethoscopes are most often used to listen to your heart beat, or listen to you breathe.
Photo of a sunburnt back

Sis forSunburn

Sunburn is a type of burn that you get when you spend too much time in the sun without wearing sunscreen. Bad sunburn can be extremely painful, and can make your skin blister and peel. You treat sunburn the same way as any other minor burn, with special burn creams and even anaesthetic sprays. Too much exposure to the sun makes your skin age early and become dry and wrinkly, and can give you skin cancer.

Sis forSuntan

When you go out in the sun, you can get sunburnt. Pale skin is more likely to burn than dark skin. Your skin tries to protect itself from the sun by producing melanin, which makes your skin darker. We call this a suntan. The people in the picture have darker skin where the sun has been shining on their skin, and paler skin where it was protected by their shoes.